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Challenge Charter High School
Kindergarten, 6th, and 9th graders start Wednesday September 4th
First Day Of Class for Grades 1-5, 7-8, 10-12 is Thursday September 5th
School Info
School Hours
High School is from 8:00A-4:00P Monday-Thursday with half-days every Friday.
Middle School Main Office
(347) 699-7602
Hours are 7:45am-4:30pm
1520 Central Avenue
ParentSquare is our primary communications tool.
All emergency alerts, school-wide notices, report cards, and teacher-to-family communication is through ParentSquare.
Download the app & access on your phone or on your desktop - www.parentsquare.com/signin
Be sure to REGISTER your scholar's account to have full access.
Stay Engaged with ParentSquare!
Important Info
High School Supply List
Hey CCHS Cheetahs! We are excited to start another school year with you.
Click the button below to see the High School supply list. Please be sure you have purchased all the supplies needed by the first week of school.
High School Handbook
Our Parent/Scholar Handbook is updated each year with the latest policies. Be sure to read it thoroughly. You will be asked to sign an acknowledgment, however, please note that even if you fail to do so, all the information and releases are in force for your scholar. Click the link below to download.
OPT yellow bus routes start on Monday, September 11. Did you fill out your form? Transportation details were sent out via ParentSquare regarding busing and MetroCards.
Questions? Write to operations@challengecharterschools.org
Do not wait to order your uniforms! Whether it is the daily, gym, or assembly attire, find what you need for your 9th-12th scholar at Ideal Uniforms.
Orders can take 10 days or more due to supply chain issues. Be sure to plan ahead!
All scholars are required to be in uniform at the beginning of school.